News » The Saltee Islands 2018-11-30

wildlife salte islands

Haven for Birds and Birdwatchers

The Saltee Islands in St. George's Channel consist of the Great and Little Saltee. They sit 5 kilometers off the coast of Kilmore Quay, Co.Wexford.

The Saltees are a haven for sea birds, nurturing an impressive array of birds, from Gannets and Gulls to Puffins and Manx Shearwaters. They also lie on an important migratory route and a popular stopping-off place for spring and autumn migrants. The Great Saltee also has a breeding population of Grey Seals, one of the very few in eastern Ireland. Up to 120 animals are present in autumn and up to 20 pups are produced annually.

These privately owned Islands are one of the world's major bird sanctuaries.

Part of Ancient Europe

Between 600 and 2000 million years old, Saltees are among the ancient islands of Europe, based on Pre-Cambrian bedrock. Primitive Stone Age man first settled there and carved out an existence before history was recorded. People lived on the islands as long ago as 3,500 to 2,000 B.C. There is a recently identified promontory fort, the remains of an ancient grave, an Ogham stone (now in a local museum) and traces of what appear to be ring forts.

A True Treasure Island

Archaeological evidence show that Neolithic man settled on the islands, and traces of religious settlements still exist. Early Christian hermits, Vikings, Normans and medieval monks also inhabited the islands. Small communities of farmers and fishermen made a humble living there. 

The Saltees were in the path of one of the world's most important sea trading routes - between Britain and the American continent. They were used as a base for pirates, wreckers and smugglers. Pirates from Spain, France, North Africa and America plundered the busy merchant ships within sight of the islands. The waters around the islands became known as " the graveyard of a thousand ships" and the islands their tombstones, so dangerous was the area to shipping. The gains of the wreckers and smugglers could very well be hidden in the many caves which have mysterious and romantic names - Lady Walker's Cave, Happy Hole, Otter's Cave and Hell Hole, enough for any Treasure Island.

In 1798 two leaders of the Rebellion used one of the island's cave as a hiding place for two leaders. John Henry Colclough and Bagenal Harvey hid and plotted their escape to France. Legend has it that soldiers saw soapy water coming out of the cave while the men were washing. This led to their arrest and hanging on Wexford town bridge on 28 June 1798.

The big island was extensively farmed in the nineteenth century. Farming ceased in 1900 until 1939, when early potatoes and barley were important crops. Other crops included oats, beans, onions, etc. Farming ended in 1943.

Mystery of the Name

It is unknown if the islands were always called the Saltees. As for the origin of the current name there are two possible theories, Norse or of Old or Middle English derivation. However the name suggests a Norse origin (Salt ey - salt island) derived from the phenomenon of the salty spray which sweeps across the islands at times of high winds and waves, especially during the winter.

Privately Owned, Everyone Welcome

In December 1943 the Saltees were purchased privately by the late Prince Michael the First. Since his death in January 1998 the islands are now owned by his five sons Michael, John,  Manfred, Paul, Richard and daughter Anne. He is buried in the family vault in Bannow Bay, Co.Wexford. His title was passed on to his eldest son Michael.

Mid-Summer Spectacle

One of the most spectacular sights on the Great Saltee in mid-Summer are the sea birds colonies on the cliffs to the north-east of the Gannet headland. Vast numbers of Guillemots and Razorbills pack the ledges and create a frightful incessant din which only at night abates a little. The Fulmars too play their part in this splendour. Towards dusk the sight of the Puffins congregating in small groups near their nestling sites presents a marvellous sight.

Permission for day visits to the Great Saltee, by courtesy of the Neale family, is not needed. Permission to visit the Little Saltee can not be granted due to the hazardous landing conditions. However the family request that all visitors to respect these islands.

Information c/o: Photos c/o: Nicola Reddy Photography. This article also appeared on Glen Fuels Rosslare.

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